So What Would You Like To Know About Me?
- How I went from a Master’s in Genetics to becoming a Spirit Jeweler??
- What made me move from France (where I was born and raised) to the USA?
- What my life and family journey has been like and who I am today?
- What I do when I am not making jewelry?
Answers below. . .
- I have been incessantly looking for real solutions to the dysfunctions I saw around me and in me. . .learning, trying, failing, training. . .succeeding, yeah! And always learning more, going deeper …
- I met and fell in love with “an American in Paris”, a mariage which lasted 24 years
and gave us 3 great children. Nowadays I spend about half the time on the East Coast of Florida, between Vero Beach and Melbourne in a simple little house on 3.6 acres I purchased in 2014 (you can see my workshop in the little trailer on the left), a
nd the other half in Northern France, close to the sea, where I grewup . . . My French partner lives there , this is our common base. From our house, I always travel quite a bit as my 3 grown children live on 3 different continents, and am also involved in the refugee situation (see below), together with my partner.
- Pfeew, so my paths tried and abandoned because they didn’t work well enough, so many changes, at times VERY hard, but the results are, oh, so worthwhile! I have walked a long way indeed…
4. I keep working on myself, changing, growing, exploring, understanding … I uncover more of me , discover more of life, question everything, discuss, laugh, swim, love, hike and cry.
I also focus much of my time now helping others in need:
- In 2010, I attempted to develop a micro-credit program in West Africa …to help some of the poorest women in the world make enough money to support their children themselves and get back their dignity and power. I keep on supporting 20 children to go to school.
- Since 2014, I have been deeply involved with people closer to my French sea-side village: 1000s of refugees from Eritrea, Sudan, Afghanistan, Syria and other countries arrive in Calais, 10 miles from where I live, hoping to find a way to cross the English channel and start a normal life in the UK. Their living conditions, while they attempt to cross, are extremely precarious. We do the best we can to alleviate their suffering, feed and clothe them. We also speak to the medias and try to force the French government to obey its own laws about Human Rights. It’s a fascinating human adventure, often despairing and exhausting, but a source of deep learning, indispensable to me and even my jewelry work.
Ask me anything more…I will be glad to tell you…I have no secrets.